: : hello : : for those of you who have been following my posts, I have updated, created some new color combinations and added a tile pattern at the bottom. the top two with more modern color combinations, and the bottom one a bit softer. thank you all for your wonderful feedback! I think I am going to start experimenting with having some of these printed. I would love to work with a local company? anyone know of printing places in Boston?
and I would like to take the opportunity to ask
.you. what you would like to see these patterns on? posters, cards, 3.dimensional products? some of you have mentioned fabrics, which got me excited. I love that idea. maybe the repeatable patterns in particular would work well for that.
I would also love to be able to apply them to furniture, which would reference the origin of the inspiration for these patterns. which came from traditional Swedish
kurbits patterns, a folk art that originated in the region of Dalarna, Sweden, mostly in the form of hand paintings on furniture. [see previous posts]