That's right; despite the "down" economy, home prices have been on the rise for the 5th straight month according to a recent article posted on MSNBC. The article also says that this study was higher than what economists had predicted leading many to think that this is the first sign of a positive turnaround for the American economy. While this news is wonderful for sellers who are trying to get the most for their homes on the market, buyers might be a little discouraged when trying to find a great deal. Fortunately for buyers, short sales and foreclosures are still on the rise in the Atlanta and metro area. Atlanta short sales and Atlanta foreclosures have been in high demand due to the low prices and high quality. These statistics show that there is becoming a stable balance for sellers and buyers in this market.
If you would like more information on Atlanta real estate, please visit or call us at 404-842-1555
: : wonderful illustrations by .andrew bannecker. for the climate talks in Copenhagen.
via .notcot.
Andrew Bannecker created a series of cheery posters for Coca-Cola, a partner of Hopenhagen, that are blanketed all over Copenhagen as the COP 15 conference goes on.
warm wood
: : love the contrast of marble and stainless mixed with warm wood. and the wood board used as a back splash on the kitchen counter. via .apartment theraphy.
bread font
: : a Norweigan bread company (Brød og Korn) has created their own bread font to educated norweigans about bread and grains. From .below the clouds. via .notcot.
Contemporary Home
Modern Home / Contemporary Home
Modern dictionary definition is: "Just now. Related to, or characteristic of the present." SunTerra definition: modern house design for today's new homeowners to provide cost-effective, energy efficient, comfortable, healthy, green, sustainable technologies.
Green-Home Design Concepts
In addition to energy efficiency, there is another important element that is unique for all of our designs. Affordable means just that. From the first year, the selected features is to go back more dollars in energy savings than they will be charged per year. Style enhanced through the use of an open design, solariums, earth berming, and low maintenance exterior. Protect against rising energy prices add to your security and your home's future value.
Our commitment is to continuously research and evaluate new products and construction techniques, combining them which we find to be the true value into each new SunTerra design.
Space Efficient Green Homes
The days of bragging about how much you own a house we thought was over. Combining the use of the space in the design of the house is equipped with many years of experience. What is less widely required, then the construction cost is less and less heat loss.
SunTerra trying to make the best use of space in a design by:
* Create an open floor plan design (removing the wall as much as possible).
* Develop traffic patterns to reduce the space requirement.
* Obtain the use of space where appropriate (more than one function per area).
* Use a wall radius to increase traffic flow and create a larger appearance.
* Use the interior volume with no wasted space available.
* Statue interior with built in furniture, lighting, etc.
* Choose a well-insulated exterior wall systems that do not eat the interior space because of excessive thickness.
Contemporary Home
large wrap-around deck canopy with flag stone surface
Craig Project: Design and Build 2007
This project consisted of a large wrap-around deck canopy with flag stone surface. Skylights were added to provide more natural light in the subject area along with the roof open on each side. Homeowners had a preference for the hidden roofs and no collar ties to ceiling windows. Extensive structural steel beams and were used to achieve this "open concept" design.
Narrow corner of the canopy, the solution was for the city of Ottawa by geographical and legal minimum for the rear yard setback.
Montana Project: Design 2006
This beautiful colonial style house requires a new two-story deck on the front elevation. We decided to extend the original size to allow a greater flow area and allow a little more substance to the overall appearance.
Greater detail columns, railings and fascia work well to achieve this objective while maintaining relationships with existing buildings.
deck canopy
why buy when you can borrow?
: : I know this lady, .Keara., who lives in Cincinnati. She had a great idea and is making it happen. When she moved to Cincinnati from Manhattan, she bought a house, and there were a lot of things she needed; power tools, lawnmower, wheel barrel etc. She thought 'There has to be someone in my neighborhood who has what I need, wouldn't it be great if I could borrow from my neighbors instead of having to buy items I may only use a few times.
So she started .share some sugar. It's a site where neighbors can borrow from each other, sign up and begin searching for items in your neighborhood, or post items that you would like to lend. .Keara. launched the site in Cincinnati, so the majority of items currently offered are available in Cincinnati. We need more Bostonians to sign up! So go do it, and tell your friends and neighbors about it! This is a great idea! Congrats .Keara. !
.share some sugar.
spring colors already
: : these ladies would be perfect for the .colormeblogg. Oh what happy colors! Looks like we have a lot to look forward to in the spring. Sunshine & Shadow Spring/Summer 2010 fashion collection. via .notcouture.
: : my Swedish friends .hans & tina. were just here visiting. they stopped by new york city as well and found the .highline., a section of old railroad tracks raised above street level that have been turned into a park and opened in June 2009. what a cool idea! I'll have to give it a try next time I'm in NYC.
photos from .here.
retro colors
: : I'm browsing a lot of wedding blogs these days and came across these .love photos.
I just love the colors, their outfits and the old gas station they chose for the photo shoot. and where can I get that orange skirt?
found on .snippet & ink.
Hunian Anti/Tahan Banjir
Merancang Hunian Tahan Banjir
BERITA - - BANYAK pertimbangan ketika seseorang ingin memiliki rumah. Salah satunya adalah terhindar dari banjir. Walaupun sekarang curah hujan tidak terlalu tinggi, tapi kita harus tetap waspada.
Faktor-faktor seperti cuaca hujan bukan merupakan kasus khusus di Indonesia, karena Indonesia adalah negara tropis dengan tingkat curah hujan tinggi. Terutama di daerah kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta, yang dibagi 13 sungai, adalah pengalaman berpotensi banjir.
Jadi, bagaimana jika Anda tinggal di kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta, yang dikhawatirkan akan banjir setiap tahun? "Aspek perencanaan awal sebuah bangunan peran penting. Perencanaan adalah mutlak dilakukan ketika mereka ingin membangun rumah," kata Raja Simatupang arsitek lansekap. Baginda menyarankan, kami mencoba untuk tidak membangun rumah di daerah rawan banjir.
Oleh karena itu, Anda harus mengenali sistem ekologi sekitar kawasan hunian Anda. "Rancang fondasi bangunan yang lebih tinggi, setidaknya 40-50 cm di atas jalan depan rumah Anda," saran arsitek I Gde Hendra Prasetya.
Membedakan ketinggian rumah adalah mudah jika rumah Anda masih dalam tahap awal pembangunan. Namun, apa yang terjadi jika rumah itu dirancang tanpa persiapan untuk banjir? Menaikkan ketinggian lantai jadi solusi terakhir, tapi dihitung jarak langit-langit. Cobalah untuk tidak terlalu dekat dengan kepala laki-laki, dewasa.
Menaikkan lantai interior pintu masuk memiliki konsekuensi dari ketinggian yang berbeda sehingga Anda mau tak mau harus membuat langkah-langkah kecil. "Atau bisa juga meninggikan rumah dimulai dari area depan pagar," kata Hendra.
Namun, alternatif ini lebih mahal karena penambahan ketinggian dilakukan secara keseluruhan. Dengan kata lain, lanskap taman akan berubah sama sekali.
Cara lain adalah jauh lebih mudah dan efisien dengan membuat blokade di teras. Ini harus menjadi pilihan terakhir atau untuk tanggap darurat (sementara) saja. Karena trik ini kurang nilai estetika, keindahan fasad akan berkurang, dan tampak aneh.
Trik berikutnya yang lebih estetis adalah dengan membuat kolam hias di taman depan. Namun, trik yang satu ini hanya dapat mengatasi banjir cahaya. Cobalah untuk membuat kolam yang lebih dalam dan luas sehingga dapat menampung lebih banyak air melimpah. Risiko, Anda kesulitan memindahkan ikan hias Anda saat banjir datang.
Hendra sendiri menyarankan untuk merenovasi total, menaikkan lantai dengan penambahan ketinggian plafon. Selain rumah tidak terlihat pendek, suhu ruangan masih dingin.
Namun, apa yang bisa saya lakukan jika banjir sudah menjadi tamu tak diundang di hunian Anda. Karena rumah dibangun setinggi apa pun, tetap saja banjir akan mengganggu kenyamanan Anda. Mau tak mau, Anda harus mengakali pemilihan interior dan furniture yang dapat "bekerja sama" dengan Anda agar tetap siap menghadapi musim hujan dan banjir.
Ada beberapa langkah sederhana yang dapat Anda lakukan. "Sederhana solusi adalah untuk menciptakan sebuah sumur tangkapan di arearumah atau sekitar lingkungan Anda," kata Raja.
Hal yang sama juga diungkapkan bahwa Hendra adalah contractorasal umum Bali. Namun, sekali lagi Anda harus memperhatikan lingkungan, apakah tangkapan dapat dibuat dengan baik. "Tapi, jika Anda posisi daerah rumah Anda di bawah jalan, percuma juga," katanya.
Lain yang dapat Anda lakukan adalah untuk menanam tanaman selain rumput. Jadi dalam merancang sebuah rumah, Anda harus meninggalkan daerah hijau untuk resapan air.
Salah satu peran penting tanaman ketika musim hujan adalah tanaman bambu. Pohon bambu dapat menyerap sejumlah besar air yang dapat berfungsi sebagai penyangga (drag). "Coba bayangkan, batang bambu dengan diameter sekitar tiga milimeter bisa tumbuh satu meter dalam 24 jam, tapi bambu tumbuh," jelas Raja.
Jika rumah Anda sudah banjir dan bagian rumah yang rusak, Anda jangan ragu untuk berkonsultasi dengan kontraktor. Setelah semua, Anda masih harus berkonsultasi dengan kontraktor berkaitan dengan renovasi akan dilakukan.
"Dibandingkan dengan pekerjaan mereka sendiri memakan waktu dan biaya lebih, kontraktor akan tahu lebih baik daripada aspek teknis dan detail," kata Hendra. (Koran SI / SI Surat Kabar / tty)
Sumber: okezonecom View Source
Desain Minimalis Rumah
Desain Minimalis Rumah Tinggal Lantai 2 terdiri dari 2 dan 1 Kamar Tidur Pembantu dengan luas tanah 129 m2 dan 160 m2 bangunan.
Sentuhan model minimalis modern dalam bentuk kotak yang bangunan yang pernah menjadi bayangan matahari dan tempias hujan dan mencegah serta balkon.
Penggunaan bahan batu alam andesit susun sirih dengan potongan dari 4 x 40 cm diletakkan di depan fasade lantai 1.
Pemilihan warna cat abu-abu dan cenderung kombinasi warna oranye, dan ungu.
Desain Lengkap:
October 2008 by ciptagraha.
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design that would be more beautiful when combined with good lighting arrangements of modern lighting
Colacril has presented a new tub that is part of the design project - Atmosphere by Romano Adolini. The tub was impressed with the simple shape and really minimalist design that would be more beautiful when combined with good lighting arrangements of modern lighting. With geometric shapes as possible to save space and can be placed as central in the bathroom near the wall. Combination polished like the exterior and interior matte and smooth, and unique lighting of a lamp in the corner of the room makes it very beautiful and able to decorate a modern bathroom. This minimalist bath made of ecological materials and the product itself polymineral presents a real health.
Lighting lamps must use a soft white light or using direct sunlight during the day. [via]
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woodsy Norway Summer Getaway
While this is technically more than a room of the house, I was eager for this secluded, woodsy Norway Summer Getaway. Part of the attraction is the location, of course. Located in the 170-kilometer-long Hardanger Fjord, this area is filled with beautiful scenery of reason, with waterfalls, glaciers, gardens, fields, and mountains to choose from. I can imagine filling the nights long summer with a bike or kayak trip is interrupted by a cold reduction in the fjord and followed with a glass of Aquavit in this modern deck.
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Luxury Estate on Lake Setting - Just Listed!!
Tina Fountain Realtor just listed a luxury estate located on a 2-3 Acre lake accented property. 190 Columbia Cove is a 4 level retreat style property. Located in the convenient Senators Ridge subdivision, this home is in close proximity to everything that the area has to offer. Four oversized bedrooms and three full bathrooms complete the floorplan with views of the lake that can be enjoyed from every angle. The three story deck allows the lake to be enjoyed from every level of the home. No details have been left out of the chef grade kitchen with granite countertops and stained cabinets. Every room has been completed to perfection including the office room with wood paneling. This home is truly one of a kind! The property is currently being offered at $550,000.
For more information on this property or any other luxury homes for sale in Atlanta, please visit
disco noir
: : my lovely friend .maiya. shared the website of a friend of hers who has recently launched a handbag and furniture line. I love their attention to detail and pop of color.
check out .disco noir.
Luxury Home Just Listed - The Park at Anderson Farm
Tina Fountain Realtors recently listed a luxury estate located in The Park at Anderson Farm subdivision. 256 Hanson Way has been completed to perfection with no details left out. The 5 bedroom, 5.5 bathroom open yet cozy floorplan includes an over sized master retreat and large secondary bedrooms. The chef grade kitchen and wet bar includes custom granite countertops, stained cabinets, and a view of the family room from the main kitchen. The three level wrought iron stair case can be admired from every story of the home. The screened in porch with a brick fireplace overlooks the private, level backyard. Homes for sale in The Park at Anderson Farm are highly desired for the convenient location in the heart of Marietta.
If you are interested in this home or any other Marietta real estate, please visit
If you are interested in this home or any other Marietta real estate, please visit
high cube kitchen kitchen bravo
One of their most interesting is the collection of the kitchen, The High Cube.
high cube kitchen kitchen bravo
At Bravo they have put their heart and soul into every unit, wall, and the resulting luxury and glamorous worktop end product.
Display collection based on a minimalist lines, smooth texture, glossy and matte surfaces, clean shapes and tones of black blocks, white, beige and gray.
High surface Cube is made of natural stone solid Samarcanda so they will be extremely durable and will still appear in top top condition much longer than the kitchen worktop is made from artificial materials.
kitchen bravohighcube2 300x267
Also note in the picture below is a delicious high gloss white wall mounted cabinet in complete contrast with matte, dark end of the kitchen worktops and cupboards.
bravohighcube3 kitchen
In the following pictures below you can see the true depth of the kitchen units Bravo said that the owner gives a big bonus. According to the company website Cube 75cm height of the unit far more in than the average highstreet store kitchen units. This extra depth means the user has more worktop space and storage space, too!
bravohighcube4 kitchen
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decoration of the house is as important
Exterior decoration of the house is as important as interior decoration. This is a noble reason to get out, get some fresh air and relax! But to relax you need to plan around you to enjoy. The house forms a dynamic modern open through a glass atrium at the north and the glass curtain wall in the northwest and southwest. More than that, a simple and modern design make this house feel is minimalist, but the surroundings that make this house feel rich with fresh relaxing atmosphere. read more »
Most children dream of a tree but house
All-Utilities Tree House from Bates Masi Architects
Most children dream of a tree but house.Adults know the feeling of comfort which is why for most of it the idea of spending hours and hours in a wooden box "hung in a tree wood is not all that attractive. Here's where Bates Masi comes with it creatively tree-house equipped with all equipment and accessories a normal, land-applied "is home. All rooms have a rustic touch but they are very well individualized, meaning that you can absolutely tell the difference between the bedroom and living room-front samples. Furthermore, the area has balconies from which enjoy a breath of fresh air and view the wonder.
to learn more.....CLIK HERE>>>
Most children dream of a tree but house.Adults know the feeling of comfort which is why for most of it the idea of spending hours and hours in a wooden box "hung in a tree wood is not all that attractive. Here's where Bates Masi comes with it creatively tree-house equipped with all equipment and accessories a normal, land-applied "is home. All rooms have a rustic touch but they are very well individualized, meaning that you can absolutely tell the difference between the bedroom and living room-front samples. Furthermore, the area has balconies from which enjoy a breath of fresh air and view the wonder.
to learn more.....CLIK HERE>>>
fall trip
: : every year, around this time, a big group of our friends head up to a house on a river in new hampshire where we spend the weekend, hiking, reading, cooking, drinking and hanging out by the campfire outside. we have a great time! new hampshire is beautiful this time of the year. we're leaving in a few hours. I can't wait.
these photos from .toast. (via .kurbits.) really capture the fall mood.
these photos from .toast. (via .kurbits.) really capture the fall mood.
bando black
: : .bando. has a new black label out. lovely pieces. however I do feel that their prices are a little excessive.
feeling yellow and blue
: : I like these images inspired by Sweden's colors, yellow and blue, by Lo Bjurulf for Elle interiör (found via .design delight.)
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