The ordinary to extraordinary ... GardenScaping! There is a difference between the well-known and unusual. Sometimes it's a delicate nuance that you are not your fingers. Other times it is dramatic
Expression that almost knocks you to your seat.
Whatever the case, the extraordinary is unique and makes a declaration that attention. But how does one create such a phenomena?
The answer is GardenScape!
Before a GardenSacpe ...
According to a Garden of Cape!
To learn more about how GardenScaping can improve your life and your home, our request and free eBook, "Ten Easy GardenScape secrets."
Click here to make your copy today!
GardenScape Interesting facts and statistics
* Studies show the landscape design can increase the value of residential and commercial properties from five to as much as 20%.
* Money magazine reported that landscaping as a home improvement project has a recovery value of 100-200% when it enhances the design of your home. In comparison, a kitchen overhead of 75-125% or a bathroom redesign of 80-120%.
* A Clemson University study showed, consumers prefer a landscaped home up to 11.3% higher than its base price.
* Clemson University also studied at home sales and compared the results are based on different levels of landscape quality. They found that well-designed landscape park houses were faster, because the turnover of first impression.
* A survey by the Society for real estate experts showed that 95% of experts believe that landscaping adds that the dollar value of residential real estate, while 99% of them said that they improved the attractiveness of the sale of residential real estate.
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